Royal Mesh

Why is Using a Mosquito Net Better Than a Mosquito Coil?

Mosquito Net

Mosquitoes are undoubtedly a major discomfort to human beings. Letting a bunch of mosquitoes into your home can bring in deadly diseases like dengue, malaria, and more. Now, people often use mosquito coils to get rid of these insects. But is it really a great way to deal with these health threats? Absolutely not as the gasses from the coil are also hazardous for your health.

Hence the best possible way to protect your family members from such possible health threats is to install a mosquito net. Mosquitoes nets for windows and doors are the most effective and safest way to keep mosquitoes from reaching your home premises. 

Today, we are about to list the advantages mosquito nets have over coils and the valid reasons for picking them as your first choice as well.

Addressing Health Concerns

The most vital reason why invisible nets are better for coils is due to their health factor. The mosquito coils emit smoke that has insecticides to clear up mosquitoes from a space. Prolonged exposure to such smoke can cause respiratory problems in elderly people and in children. 

In contrast to this, mosquito nets are completely free from any form of chemicals. All you need to do is install the net to create a physical barrier for the mosquitoes, with no form of toxins or smoke emitted out of them.

Pregnant women, children, and adults with weak immune systems can easily get affected by the harmful gasses. The fumes from mosquito coils induce allergic reactions like nausea, headaches, and more. Mosquito nets do not incorporate any form of harmful chemicals in them and can effectively block mosquitoes’ entry into your home. 


Mosquito coils need to be purchased regularly, and every coil burns out in a few hours, adding up to your investment cost. Invisible Net is a one-time smart investment that lasts for years, with minimal maintenance routine done from your side. 

Uninterrupted Sleep Guaranteed 

Smoke and chemicals emitted from mosquito coils disturb your sleep by spreading a distinct odor that is not safe for us humans to inhale. By installing a mosquito net, no form of smell or fumes get emitted, providing uninterrupted night sleep. Moreover, mosquito nets also allows for better ventilation as you can keep your windows open while sleeping. You can rest any part of your day without worrying about mosquitoes entering into your household premises. 

Easy To Install

Mosquito coils bring up unwanted waste in the form of ashes, and they need to be cleaned regularly to avoid cluttering the room space. Meanwhile, mosquito nets can be easily installed on your doors, windows, and balcony area. It gets mounted over the existing design without interrupting your view. Also, removing and cleaning them won’t be an issue, as they get attached using magnetic or self-adhesive tape. 


Mosquito nets have minimal impact on the environment and can last long with limited maintenance. If you clean your mosquito nets regularly, you will not only reduce waste but also be able to save your hard-earned money. On top of that, you will also reap the health benefits as well by not using harmful mosquito coils. So, be safe and healthy with the Royal Mesh mosquito net.

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