Royal Mesh

What Are the Key Features to Look for When Choosing a Mosquito Screen Door?


As there are many options available for mosquito screen doors, ranging from cheap to costly, it becomes crucial to know what to look for when buying a mosquito screen door. However, it would be better if you didn’t look for the price when buying a mosquito net for doors and windows

Instead, you should look at some other more critical factors. You can look for the price as a factor, too, but keep it as a secondary factor and the primary one. So, let’s look at the features or factors that you should consider when buying mosquito net doors and windows. 

1. Quality 

The quality of a Mosquito net door must be good. It will be better if you are getting a guarantee period with the product it only covers the product for some period but also shows the credibility of of the company. Moreover, quality and durability become more crucial when sliding mosquito doors. The reason is the movement that it has to do when opening and closing it. Since it’s a functional product, the chances of it getting broken increase. 

2. Tiny but breathable mesh

The mesh should undoubtedly contain very tiny holes so that even insects smaller than mosquitoes can’t enter your premises. However, the ventilation of the room is also essential. It means that the holes should also be able to let the air and sunlight pass through them easily. Otherwise, you either have to keep the Windows open or live in a closed box with no ventilation. 

3. Pleated net 

If there is a very large opening in your house, like a door to the balcony, then you should use a pleated mosquito net. A pleated mosquito net can be folded easily. Hence, it keeps your balcony operational even if there is a mosquito net installed. Moreover, if your residential area records speedy winds, then you should also opt for a pleated mosquito net. 

4. Easy to clean

One of the main problems that comes with these nets is cleaning them. Some cheap quality net attracts a lot of dust and water. Moreover, it has become a terrific job. So, the net that you are choosing should be easy to maintain and clean. If the net can’t be cleaned easily, then it will result in poor airflow in the house, which is not good for you and your family. 

5. Size 

Lastly, you should buy a mosquito screen door that exactly fits your door. If you have a standard-sized door in your house, then you’ll get it easily. However, if you have a custom door, then you should also buy a custom mosquito screen. It is important because if you leave even a half inch of space between the door and the net, then the whole purpose of installing it will fail. 

Wrapping Up

With all these things in consideration, you will be able to buy an effective mosquito screen door. These features are really important as they help you determine if the mosquito net will serve its purpose, and if yes, then for how long.

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